Şirket Birleştirme ve Satın Alma

Hector is an international consulting, auditing and corporate finance company. With its solution-oriented approach, it provides formulas to companies through financing consultancy and public offering. Hector team and experienced solution-oriented partners have the knowledge to make the difference necessary to develop successful results.

In our country, companies meet their financing needs for making investments, establishing a new workplace, renewing their existing investments and operating activities by using their own resources or bank loans.

Hector provides consultancy services to its customers to find more advantageous resources than bank loans in terms of financing resources for long-term investments and projects. Offering alternative financing solutions to companies that they can use in their investments with good planning and management, Hector provides services related to the emerging financing needs of companies.

Corporate Financing Consultancy Services in Turkey:

Mergers & Acquisitions

Hector is a Turkey-focused company that advises on mergers and acquisitions. We mediate the acquisitions of international companies in Turkey, foreign investments of Turkish companies and mergers in the domestic market. Our goal is to find the right partners for you and to act as a professional intermediary and consultancy for international mergers in Turkey. Our team, which advises on mergers and acquisitions, consists of professional experts experienced in strategy, corporate development, finance and accounting.



Uzmanlık alanımız:

Mergers & Acquisitions in Turkey

We offer comprehensive consultancy services to foreign companies aiming to acquire a company or establish a partnership in Turkey. With our experienced team, we enable foreign companies to get to know the Turkish market, their competitors and their customers. We evaluate the opportunities in the market together with you and offer you the most suitable solutions strategically.

Our company acquisition services in Turkey:

Our Approach:

The best result-oriented way to do business in Turkey is to meet with players in related sectors. For this reason, we bring you together with your customers, competitors, partners and other market players in the sector. We meet with senior managers for you and help you for effective performance. We also enable you to reach people related to secondary platforms.

Mergers & Acquisitions Abroad

Hector Corporate is a Turkey member of EuraAudit International, which is a partner of the Charter Group. We advise Turkish companies to invest abroad with more than 150 solution partners around the world. With our solution partners in many different countries and our experience in Turkey, we can determine the right strategies for your investments. We also get information from government institutions and non-governmental organizations in our research.

Our service for acquiring companies and establishing partnerships abroad:

Contact Us

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